Rough Seas

Just a brief note about recent paddles. The winds have been blowing out of the S and SE lately, making for a bumpy ride and tricky launches and landings. So a tip of the hat to two brave couples, Bill and Elise, and Jerry and Vicki, who took up the challenge and paddled out with me this past week. They all showed an adventurous spirit we had fun bouncing around in a choppy sea. Good luck to you all, and I hope to see you again.


About jackwildeadventures

I am a Biologist, a Naturalist, and a Sea Kayak Guide. I live in a beach town on the coast of the Sea of Cortez, with my lovely wife, Lorena.

2 responses to “Rough Seas”

  1. Lyne Kelly says :

    Sounds lovely! I don’t know how calm I would be if I had an octopus clinging to my leg, but it would make a great story to tell once back home… !

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